
今天要講點情色相關的音樂,青少年與兒童不宜 @@’


Georges Bizet (1838-1875) 法國以及浪漫派的作曲家,卡門(Carmen)是他的歌劇作品中的經典之作。卡門主要以女中音,一種帶點撒野、狂妄自大、跟攝魂誘人的音色作為整齣戲的重要角色。歌劇的故事是由普羅斯伯、梅利美的作品改編而成。於187533日在法國巴黎喜歌劇院首演。

卡門就是女主角的名字,她的身分是煙廠女工,她當時用「美女計」將唐賀塞(Don Jose)從別的女人那裡搶過來。唐賀塞是個憨厚的人,被卡門唬得心花怒放,愛情變成一種詛咒在他們倆人之間周旋纏綿。









第二首是卡門唱的詠嘆調(Aria Habañera "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle"  

Love's a bird that will live in freedom,
That no man ever learned to tame
And in vain men may call and call her
If she's no mind to play their game!
They'll find nothing they do will tempt her,
The one tries charm, the other's dumb!
And that other's the one I fancy,
He may not talk, but he's the one! 


Love's a bird that will live in freedom,
That no man ever learned to tame
And in vain men may call and call her
If she's no mind to play their game! 


Oh love was born to gipsy life,
A life that's free, that is as free as air;
You may not love me, yet I love you,
But if I love you, then you take care! 

Oh love was born to gipsy life,
A life that's free, that is as free as air;
You may not love me, yet I love you,
But if I love you, then you take care!

But this bird that you thought you'd taken
Has flapped her wings and flown away;
When love's gone then you sit there waiting,
You give up waiting, down she'll fly!
All around you she'll fly so quickly,
She's there, she's gone, she's back in view,
Think you've caught her and she'll escape you,
Think you've escaped and she's caught you!

The bird that you thought you'd taken
Has flapped her wings and flown away;
When love's gone then you sit there waiting,
You give up waiting, down she'll fly!
All around you she'll fly so quickly,
She's there, she's gone, she's back in view,
Think you've caught her and she'll escape you,
Think you've escaped and she's caught you!

Oh love was born to gipsy life,
A life that's free, that is as free as air;
You may not love me, yet I love you,
But if I love you, then you take care!

Oh love was born to gipsy life,
A life that's free, that is as free as air;
You may not love me, yet I love you,
But if I love you, then you take care! 

第三首是鬥牛士唱的詠嘆調Couplet: “Votre toast, je peux vous le render” 



To your toast, I now drink another,
Señor, señor, to this I have the right,
For we Toreros all are your brothers
Your real joy in life, like ours, is the fight.
The arena's full, the day a Fiesta.
The arena's full, they're herded tight:
The noisy crowd, past all restraining,
Lashing themselves to a frenzy yell with delight;
Rowdy taunting, with shouts and jeering,
Making passions hot and tempers rise!
Today's the day we prove our daring;
And the day that the brave will prize.
Come on, on guard. Ah! ...
(gaily; pleased with himself)
Toreador, on guard now,
Toreador, Toreador!
Do not forget that when you draw your word
Two dark eyes look down
And love is your reward. 


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