Charlotte Church出生於1986年,英國的Cardiff市。她是世界著名的年輕女聲樂家,以年僅十五歲的年紀就唱遍許多不同風格的音樂作品,她的音色渾厚飽滿,擁有一種令人難以抗拒的魔力,難怪她的唱片銷售量不但暢銷,還受邀到許多大型的音樂會表演,合作過的名歌手合作包括Placido Domingo、Wyclef Jean、Billy Gilman…等等。有興趣多了解關於她的生平介紹可以參考這裡:
今天介紹『The Prayer』,是由Charlotte跟Josh Groban合作演唱的二重唱(duet)。這首二重唱的美感就是兩個旋律線條,隨著管絃樂的伴奏,先從不同的時間切入音樂,接著兩個旋律交織在一起,男女聲的音色融合性十分強,所以聽起來整首的音色密合度表現十分出色。現在就趕快來聽聽看這首~~~~
『The Prayer』
I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer
As we go our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your Grace
To a place where we'll be safe
La luce che to dai (The light that you give us)
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore rester (Will stay in our hearts)
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarchi che (Reminding us)
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei (That in my prayer)
Nella mia preghiera (You are an everlasting star)
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede c' (There's so much faith)
When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe.
Sognamo un mondo senza pi'violenza (We dream of a world with no more violence)
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza (A world of justice and hope)
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino (Grasp your neighbors hand)
Simbolo di pace e di fraternity (As a symbol of peace and brotherhood)
La forza che ci dai (The strength that you give us)
We ask that life be kind
E'il desiderio che (Is the wish)
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amore (That everyone may find love)
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a s (In and around himself)
Another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child
Needs to find a place,
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che (And the faith that)
Hai acceso in noi (You've lit inside us)
Sento che ci salver (I feel will save us)
Transcribed by Monica